Janaki Tremaglio
Holistic Coaching
Explore the healing powers of fruits, vegetables, wild foods, & herbs!
Service Description
I offer holistic coaching based on my experience applying holistic methods to my own health journey. While I have always been oriented toward natural healing approaches, my success in addressing health challenges took off once I started applying the work of Medical Medium, Anthony William. Anthony teaches that the root cause of chronic illnesses are viruses, bacteria, and toxins, like heavy metals, and that healing can be found using fruits, vegetables, wild foods, and herbs. Anthony's information has been used by thousands to address health issues often considered incurable. While a medium might seem like an unusual source for health information, I encourage people to use their own experience and intuition to evaluate Anthony's ideas. I will provide you with extensive information on Medical Medium approaches, as well as targeted tools for your specific concerns. I can also link you to a community of people healing all types of chronic illness with Medical Medium information, as well as highly advanced practitioners if needed. Personally, I have dedicated thousands of hours to the study and application of Medical Medium information and am passionate about helping people who are committed to healing. I can help you start or continue down this path in a gentle way. As a disclaimer, I consider Anthony William to be a health innovator, but not someone to be followed without scrutiny. I recommend multiple sessions to help you fully understand the MM protocols and tools. Meeting once or twice a month for several months will be most beneficial. Please email me to schedule or contact me through the message board!
Contact Details